INTENSE REU Research Projects

Summary of available research projects for Summer 2024

这里介绍的研究项目总结是工作REU参与者的代表 will perform at New Mexico Tech.  Students are encouraged to identify specific projects 在申请过程中感兴趣,接受通知将表明 the faculty mentor and general project the acceptance offer is relative to.  The specific 学生将在夏季完成的项目可能与这些描述不同 as the research path and interests evolve.

Applications are accepted starting November 15, 2023! APPLY HERE: 

Project 1: Quantitative imaging of supersonic projectiles 

Faculty Mentor:  Dr. Michael Hargather, Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. M Hargather project image折射成像技术,如纹影和阴影成像被用于可视化 shock waves and turbulent mixing in compressible flows.  Dr. Hargather's group has 一直在开发和应用这些技术的可视化和量化 of the density fields around projectiles.  This project will explore quantitative measurement of the density fields around supersonic projectiles of various shapes.  REU学生将学习建立纹影成像系统和高速操作 digital cameras to record images of projectiles in flight.  The student will perform 实验对不同形状的弹丸进行成像,从锥形到双锥形再到随机形状 从NMT推进剂驱动的气枪系统以超音速发射的物体.  学生将分析图像使用定量纹影技术来确定 对弹丸周围的密度场进行理论和计算比较 analysis.  Research outcomes include developing the ability to perform high-speed 纹影成像,设置精密电子触发多重复杂系统 数据记录方法,并能进行图像处理和定量 analysis using MATLAB or Python.